ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-38-1

General note for this book.

The inc 1 used in the patterns for this book is the increase usually abbreviated as M1 and is performed as follows:

Insert LH needle from front to back under the strand between last st worked and next st on LH needle. K into the back loop to twist the st.

Special Day Booties & Vest, pages 16-19

Updated: 07Feb2013

Corrections are underlined.


Beg at the ankle.
Using size 3 (3mm) needles cast on 43 sts (both sizes) and work in garter st for 4 rows, then in stockinette st for 2 rows.
Next row Beg fancy pattern st by working the foll 2 rows 4 times:
Row 1 (RS) K1, SKP, * k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, SK2P *, rep from * to * 4 times; end by working k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, k1.
Row 2 (WS) Purl.
Next row Cont in stockinette st decreasing for smaller size only 4 times in the course of the row—39 (43 sts.
Next row Place the first nd last 13 (14) sts on spare needles and cont on center 13 (15) sts for 10 (12) rows.
Next row Work across the 13 (14) sts from the first spare needle, pick up and knit 9 (11) sts on the right side, work across the 13 (14) central sts, pick up and knit 9 (11) sts on the left side, then work across the remaining 13 (14) sts from the second spare needle—57 (64) sts.


Using size 3 (3mm) needles cast on 67 (75) sts and work in garter st for 4 rows, followed by stockinette st for 2 rows.
Next row Beg fancy pattern st by working the foll 2 rows 4 times:
Row 1 (RS) K1, SKP, * k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, SK2P *, rep from * to * 7 (8) times; end by working k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, k1.
Row 2 (WS) Purl.
Next row Switch to stockinette st and dec 9 (10) times evenly in the course of the row—58 (65) sts.
Cont straight in stockinette st until back measures 2 ½ (3)”/6 (8)cm from cast-on edge, then shape armholes as follows: Bind off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows, 3 sts at beg of foll 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 2 rows, then 1 st at beg of foll 4 rows—36 (43) sts.
AT THE SAME TIME, when back measures 3 (3 ½)”/8 (9)cm from cast-on edge, then switch to cartridge st (see p. 10) and work straight until back measures 5 (6)”/13 (15)cm from cast-on edge.
Next row Pattern 8 (10) and place these sts on a stitch holder; complete the 2 sides separately from this point. Bind off the next 20 (23) sts for the neck and pattern to end. Pattern 2 rows straight.
Next row With WS facing, bind off the remaining 8 (10) sts for the shoulder. With WS facing, work across the sts on the holder and complete the right back to match.

Using size 3 (3mm) needles, cast on 35 (43) sts and work 4 rows in garter st followed by 2 rows Stockinette st. Then, work in fancy pattern st as given for the back working from * to * 3 (4) times.
Next row Switch to stockinette st and dec 5 (6) times in the course of the row—30 (37) sts. Cont straight until right front measures 2 ½ (3)”/6 (8)cm from cast-on edge, then shape the armhole as follows: Bind off 4 sts at beg of next WS row, 3 sts at beg of foll WS row, 2 sts at beg of next WS row, and 2 sts at beg of foll WS row twice—19 (26) sts. Cont straight until right front measures 3 (3 ½)”/8 (9)cm from cast-on edge.
Next row Switch to cartridge st and cont straight until right front measures 4 (4 ¾)”/10 (12)cm from cast-on edge, then shape neck by binding off at beg of RS rows as follows: 6 sts once, 2 (3) sts once, 1 (2) sts 3 (2) times, 0 (1) st 0 (3) times—8 (10) sts. Cont straight until right front measures 5 ¼ (6 ¼)”/13.5 (15.5)cm from cast-on edge, ending with a RS row.

Cross My Heart, page 20

Updated: 21Jun2013

Corrections and clarifications are underlined.

Increase working new stitches into the seed stitch pattern. Until 2 stitches have been increased next to each other, there will be 2 knit stitches side by side.
Inc: Insert LH needle from back to front under the strand between last st worked and the next st on the LH needle. Knit into the front loop to twist the st.

Cast on 41 (45) sts and work 1 row in seed st. Now cont in seed st and inc as follows:
Next row (RS) K1, inc 1, pattern 19 (21), inc 1, k1, inc 1, k19 (21), inc 1, k1.
Work 1 row even.
Next row K2, inc 1, pattern 19 (21), inc 1, pattern 3, inc 1, k19 (21), inc 1, k2.
Work 1 row even.
Next row K3, inc 1, pattern 19 (21), inc 1, pattern 5, inc 1, k19 (21), inc 1, k3.
Work 1 row even.
Next row K4, inc 1, pattern 19 (21), inc 1, pattern 7, inc 1, k19 (21), inc 1, k4—57 (61) sts.
Cont straight in seed st for 11 rows, then dec every 2 rows as follows:
Next row Pattern 23 (25), SK2P, pattern 5, SK2P, pattern 23 (25).
Work 1 row even.
Next row Pattern 22 (24), SK2P, pattern 3, SK2P, pattern 22 (24).
Work 1 row even.

Mix and Match, page 26

Updated: 29Apr2013

Corrections are underlined.



Using mauve, cast on 40 (44) sts, Purl 1 (WS) row, and cont in stockinette st, inc as follows:
Next row K2, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k4, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k2.
Next row K3, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k6, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k3.
Next row K4, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k8, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k4.
Next row K5, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k10, inc 1, k16 (18), inc 1, k5—56 (60) sts.
For edge of sole: Knit 1 (WS) row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row; then, with next row, switch to stockinette stitch and switch yarns as follows, twisting yarn loosely at back of work to avoid forming holes: K28 (30) turquoise, k28 (30) light green. Work straight in 2 colors until 8 rows are complete, then maintain color pat, dec as follows:
Next row K24 (26), [SKP] twice, [k2tog] twice, k24 (26). Work 1 row straight.
Next row K22 (24), [SKP] twice, [k2tog] twice, k22 (24). Work 1 row straight.
Next row K20 (22), [SKP] twice, [k2tog] twice, k20 (22). Work 1 row straight.
Next row K18 (20), [SKP] twice, [k2tog] twice, k18 (20). Work 1 row straight.
Next row K16 (18), [SKP] twice, [k2tog] twice, k16 (18)—36 (40) sts.
Next row Switch to mauve and work in stockinette st for 8 rows. Bind off loosely.

For A Little Ballerina, page 42

Updated: 12Mar2013

Pink is my favorite color


Newborn to 3 months (3 to 6 months)

•  1 1¾oz/50g ball (approx 164yd/150m) of Bergère de France Doussine (wool) in Chimere (rose) [YARN WT = 3]
•  Size 3 (3mm) needles

•  Garter stitch

25 sts and 34 rows to 4″/10cm over St st using size 3 (3mm) needles.
Take time to check gauge.

Each bootie is worked in one piece from side to side.

Cast on 26 (28) sts and knit 1 row. Working in garter st, dec 1 st each side every other row 5 times—16 (18) sts. Work 1 row even.
With RS facing, cast on 5 (6) sts at beg of row for heel—21 (24) sts.
Next (inc) row (RS) K to last st, inc 1, k1.
Rep inc row every other row 4 times more—26 (29) sts.
Work 1 row even.
Next row (RS) Bind off 14 (15) sts work to end.
Work even on the remaining 12 (14) sts for top of foot and toe for 7 rows more.
With RS facing, cast on 14 (15) sts at beg of next row.
Next (dec) row (RS) Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—25 (28) sts.
Rep dec row every other row 4 times more—22 (25) sts.
Work one row even.
Next row (RS) Bind off 5 (6) sts, work to end—16 (18) sts.
Work 1 row even.
Inc 1 st each side every other row 5 times—26 (28) sts.
Knit one row.
Bind off loosely.

Cast on 20 sts and work in garter st for 4 rows. Bind off. Sew the short ends together and form the loop into a bow. Wrap a strand of yarn several times around the center to shape the bow and fasten off.

Sew the cast-on edge to the bound-off edge for the sole of bootie, then sew the heel and the toe to the sole, using the curved arrows in the diagram as a guide. Sew the heel seam. Attach the bow to the opening at center front as in photo. Make 2nd bootie same as first.

White as Snow, page 58

Updated: 02Apr2013

Corrections are underlined.

Newborn to 3 months (3 to 6 months)

• 1 1¾oz/50g ball (approx 164yd/150m) of Bergère de France Barisienne (wool) in Melisse (ecru) [YARN WT = 3]
• 2 pairs size 3 (3mm) needles
• Size 4 (2mm) crochet hook

• stockinette stitch
• garter stitch
• cable stitch (see chart)
• pompom
• crochet chain stitch

25 sts and 34 rows to 4″/10cm over St st using size 3 (3mm) needles. Take time to check gauge.

Beg at the ankle. Cast on 38 sts (both sizes).
Next row (WS) [K2, p4] 6 times, k2. Cont in this manner and rep rows 1–4 foll chart and working stitches 1–6 for 6 times across, then working the last 2 stitches of the chart, until row 1 of chart has been completed 3 (4 times).
Next row (WS) Work 12 sts in pat and place on spare needle (for right side), work next 14 sts in pat and place rem 12 sts on 2nd spare needle (for left side). Cont to work in cable pat over the center 14 sts only until chart row 4 has been completed 3 (4) times more. Cut yarn.
With WS facing, rejoin yarn to stitches on spare needle for left side and work row 2 of chart to end.
Next row (RS) K12, pick up and k 7 (11) sts along the side edge of center panel, k2tog, k10, k2tog across center panel sts from holder, pick up and k 7 (11) sts along side edge of center panel—50 (58) sts. Work in garter stitch for 9 rows more. Cut yarn.
Next row (RS) Place first 19 (23) sts on spare needle, rejoin yarn to center panel sts, k11, k2tog, place rem sts on 2nd spare needle, turn.
Next row K to last st of center panel, k last st tog with first st on spare needle, turn.
Rep last row until 18 sts rem. Bind off.

Sew up the heel and back seams. Using the crochet hook, work 100 ch sts for a cord. Thread the cord under the cables at the base of the ankle, beg and end at center back. Make 2 little pompoms and attach one to each end of the cord. Tie in a bow.
Complete a second, identical bootie.

Warm and Fuzzy, page 60

Updated: 31Jan2013

Corrections are underlined.

The decrease rows should be written as follows:
Next (dec) row (RS) K9 (10) [SKP] 4 times, k1, [k2tog] 4 times, k9 (10)—27 (29) sts.
Work 3 rows even.
Next (dec) row (RS) K7 (8), [SKP] 3 times, k1, [k2tog] 3 times, k7 (8)—21 (23) sts.