ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-58-9

Wavy Peplum Sweater, page 15

Updated: 09Apr2014

Corrections are underlined.

Schematic corrections:
Neck measurement 8 (8, 8½)
Shoulder measurement 3¼ (3¾, 4)
Sleeve cap 5½ (6, 6½)

4-st LPC Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to front, p2, k2 from cn.

Row 1 (RS) K3, *p2, k17, p2, rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
Work as written to row 13.
Row 13 (RS) K3, *p2, k2, SK2P, k2, p2; rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
Row 14 (WS) P3, *k2, p1, p2tog, p2, k2; rep from * to last 3 sts, p3.

Replace existing rows 1 and 2 with the following:
Row 1 (RS) K3 (2, 3), [p2, k2] 0 (2, 3) times, work chart 1 to rep line, work 16-st rep twice, p1, M1P, 3-st RC, place marker for center back, 3-st LC, M1P, p1, work 16-st rep of chart 2 twice, work to end of chart 2, [k2, p2] 0 (2, 3) times, k3 (2, 3)—96 (110, 120) sts.
Row 2 (WS) P3 (2, 3), [k2, p2] 0 (2, 3) times, work chart 2 as established over 40 sts, k2, p3, sl marker, p3, k2, work chart 1 as established over 40 sts, [p2, k2] 0 (2, 3) times, p3 (2, 3).

Replace existing rows 3 and 4 with the following:
Row 3 (RS) K1, M1P, k2 (1, 2), [p2, k2] 0 (2, 3) times, work chart 1 as established over 40 sts, 4-st RPC, k1, remove center back marker and turn, leaving rem 48 (55, 60) sts on hold for left back—1 st inc’d.
Working back and forth over 49 (56, 61) sts for right back only, work as foll:
Row 4 (WS) P1, k2, p2, work chart 1 as established over 40 sts, work in rib as established to end.
Row 5 Work in rib and chart as established to last 7 sts, note that final 4-st LC in row (only half of cable is shown on chart) will be worked over last 2 sts in chart and next 2 sts, p2, k1.
Row 6 Work as established.
Row 7 K1, M1P, work in rib and chart as established to last 5 sts, 4-st LPC, k1—1 st inc’d.
Row 8 P3, k2, work to end in pat.
Cont to work pats in this way, maintaining 5 center back sts in p2, k3 rib as established, AT SAME TIME, cont to inc at side edge every 4 rows 4 times more, working inc’s into rib pat—54 (61, 66) sts.
Work as established until piece measures 9½ “/24cm from beg of cable pat. Work armhole shaping as written.

Place rem 25 (25, 27) sts on holder for neck.

Place 48 (55, 60) sts for left side back onto needle, ready to work a RS row.
Row 3 (RS)
K1, 4-st LPC, work chart 2 and rib as established to end.
Complete as for right back to armhole shaping, reversing cables over 5 sts at center back and working side shaping at side seam.
Complete as written, noting correction at shoulder shaping.

Work as written to shoulder shaping.
Work across 19 (22, 23) sts, place next 48 (48, 52) sts on holder…cont as written.

Work as written to AT SAME TIME, inc 1 st each side every 4 rows 11 (15, 15) times, cont as written.
Replace cap shaping paragraph with the following:
Bind off 3 (4, 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off 1 st at beg of next 16 rows. [Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows, bind off 1 st at beg of next 2 rows] 4 (5, 6) times. Bind off 3 (3, 2) sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind off rem 18 sts. See note at top regarding schematic measurements.

Sew shoulder seams. Join yarn to 98 (98, 106) sts on hold for front and back neck…cont as written.

Chunky Coat, page 35

Updated: 01Dec2014

Corrections are underlined.

Row 1 (RS)
K1, p0 (0, 2), work 8-st rep of row 1 of chart for 6 reps, end p0 (0, 2), k1. Cont to work in this way foll chart 5, and cont to inc 1 st each side, working inc sts 1 st in from edge as before and into chart 5 pat, every 8th (8th, 6th) row 5 (5, 6) times—60 (60, 66) sts.

Continue as written to end of cap shaping.

Bind off rem 16 (16, 18) sts.

Cable and Ladder Pullover, pages 49-51

Updated: 09Apr2014

Corrections are underlined.

With smaller needles, cast on 88 (96, 102, 110, 116) sts. Work in k1, p1 rib for 3″/7.5cm, ending with RS row.
Next row Inc 10 sts evenly across row—98 (106, 112, 120, 126) sts.

Work 21 (25, 28, 29, 32) sts in pat, bind off next 38 (38, 38, 40, 40) sts, work to end of row. Cont working each side separately until end. Bind off 7 (8, 9, 9 10) sts at beg of row from each shoulder edge 3 times. AT THE SAME TIME, bind off from each neck edge 1 st 0 (1, 1, 1, 1) time.

Shoulder/neck shaping
Work 29 (33, 36, 36, 39) sts in pat, bind off center 22 (22, 22, 24, 24) sts, work to end of row. Continue working each side separately as follows: bind off from each neck edge 4 sts once, then 3 sts once, then 1 st twice. AT THE SAME TIME, when armhole measures same as back to shoulder, shape shoulders as for back.

Reversible Mobius Cowl, page 53

Updated: 15May2014

Correction is underlined.

4-st RPC Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to back, k2, p2 from cn. 4-st LPC Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to front, p2, k2 from cn.

Lace and Bobble Wristlets, page 77

Updated: 08Apr2018

Correction is underlined.

Rnd 4 P2, k4, p2, k1 tbl, p2, k4, p3, k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, sl 1, k1, psso, k2, p3, k4, p2, k1 tbl.

Cable Yoke Cardigan, pages 79-84

Updated: 08Jun2019

This pattern is sized for Small, Medium, and Large. (There is no X-Large size.)

On Sleeve Schematic, the measures should appear as 7.5 (8, 8.5)”.

Twisted Stitch Socks, pages 85-87

Updated: 11Feb2015

The glossary for the chart symbols was inadvertently omitted.

2-st RC Sl 1 to cn and hold to back, k1, k1 from cn.
2-st LC Sl 1 to cn and hold to front, k1, k1 from cn.
2-st RPC tbl Sl 1 to cn and hold to back, k1 tbl, p1 from cn.
2-st LPC tbl Sl 1 to cn and hold to front, p1, k1 tbl, from cn.
2-st RC tbl Sl 1 to cn and hold to back, k1 tbl, k1 tbl from cn.
2-st LC tbl Sl 1 to cn and hold to front, k1 tbl, k1 tbl, from cn.
3-st RC Sl 2 to cn and hold to back, k1, k2 from cn.
3-st LC Sl 1 to cn and hold to front, k2, k1 from cn.
3-st RPC Sl 1 to cn and hold back, k2 tbl, p1 from cn.
3-st LPC Sl 2 to cn and hold to front, p1, k2 tbl from cn.
3-st RC tbl Sl 2 to cn and hold to back, k1 tbl, k2 tbl from cn.
3-st LC tbl Sl 1 to cn and hold to front, k2 tbl, k1 tbl from cn.
3-st RT tbl Sl 1 to cn and hold to back, k2 tbl, k1 tbl from cn.
3-st LT tbl Sl 2 to cn and hold to front, k1 tbl, k2 tbl from cn.
4-st RPC Sl 2 to cn and hold to back, k2, p2 from cn.
4-st LPC Sl 2 to cn and hold to front, p2, k2 from cn.

HEEL FLAP, should read as follows:

Work back and forth in rows on 27 sts of dpn 2, working chart 3, as foll:
Next row (WS) K2, p3, k2, p13, k2, p3, k2.
Beg with row 3, cont chart 3 as established for 26 rows more, ending with a WS row.

Zippered Hoodie, pages 109-114

Updated: 08Nov2013

1. 1. Work row 22 of Chart 2 (page 113) as follows (correction is underlined):
Row 22 (WS) P2, k2, p2, k1, p2, k7, [p2, k2] 3 times, p2, k5.

2. The cast on numbers for the Left Front and Right Front should read as follows:

Cast on 46 (50, 54, 58, 62) sts. Continue as written.

Transverse Cable Coat, page 131

Updated: 30Aug2022 

A revised Chart 5 is available here. [PDF 84KB]

A revised Stitch Key is available here. [PDF 67KB]