ISBN-10: 1931543267

Double Trouble, page 44

Pattern for Bear Hat was omitted.

Hat (make 2 pieces)
With A, cast on 32 sts. Work in St st for 2 rows. Cont in St st and follow chart 3, AT SAME TIME work 4 rows even, then bind off 2 sts at beg of next 14 rows. Bind off rem 4 sts.


Block pieces. Sew 2 pieces tog as foll: Sew straight edges tog for side seams, then sew bound off sts tog for top edge. Sew approx .75 inch/2 cm down from top edge, leaving openings for ears. With A, make a pompom and sew to top of hat.

Betsy Brachiosaurus, page 108

Correction is underlined.

Shape gusset

Next row With B, k1, SKP, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—30 sts.
Next row Purl.
Next row K1, SK2P, k to last 4 sts, k3tog, K1—26 sts.