ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-15-2

Belted Cardigan Vest, pages 10-13, 136

Updated: 29Jul2011

Changes are underlined.

Left Front
Neck and shoulder shaping
Dec row (WS) K2tog, k to end.
Rep dec row every 6th row 5 (8, 8, 8) times more – 32 (36, 43, 51) sts.

Continue pattern as written to this point.
Right Front
Work garter band….Join yarn and foll all instructions for left side base triangle working rows 2 -7 until there is 1 unworked st, ending with row 7 (5, 3, 7) -38 (45, 52, 60) sts.

Complete pattern as written.

Fair Isle Cardigan, pages 18-21, 137

Updated: 11Aug2011

Changes are underlined.

Page 21.

1. Sleeve finishing
Sew sleeve seams……Starting at seam with RS facing, place sleeve sts on needle and with A only, p 7 rnds for sleeve facing, increasing 1 st at beg and end of every rnd – 134 (138, 142, 154, 162, 176) sts.

2. Finishing
Measure…. Join shoulder seams using 3-needle bind-off.
Sleeve facing
Set sleeves into armholes, cover armhole steek sts on WS with purled facing. Sew sleeves and purled facing in place.

3. Buttonhole band
With RS facing, pick up and ……Beg and end k1 with A, work back and forth…..

4. Buttonhole row (RS) Work 7 (9, 4, 5, 7, 9) sts, [k2tog, cast on 2 sts (one of each color), ssk, work 12 (12, 13, 13, 13, 13) sts] 8 times, k2tog, cast on 2 sts (one of each color), ssk, work 4 (4, 3, 4, 4, 4)sts.

Long Vest, pages 34-37

Updated: 13Sept2011

Changes are underlined.

1. pg 36 Shell Pattern (for gauge)
Row 10 K7, [p1, k2] 5 times, p1, k7.

2. pg 37 Left Front and Right Back (cont’d)
Row 12 K7 (8, 9), [SK2P] 6 times, k14 (16, 18), [SK2P] 6 times, k7 (8, 9) – 40 (44, 48) sts.

Spiral Beanie, pages 46-49

Updated: 11Aug2011

Change is underlined.

Page 48.

Text below chart should read “rep 10 times around”.

Three-Button Cardigan, pages 52 & 53

Updated: 11Aug2011

Corrections are underlined.

Puff Ribbing

Row 1 (WS) P4, *k3w, p3; rep from * to last st, p1.
Row 2 K4, *p3 (dropping extra loops), k3; rep from * to last st, k1.

Cast on 77(89, 101, 113, 125, 137) sts.
Work 3( 3, 3, 5, 5, 5) rows in puff ribbing.

Left shoulder is misidentified as Right shoulder, and Right shoulder is misidentified as Left shoulder. The titles of each should be switched, so that the Left shoulder is worked first. With WS facing, yarn is rejoined to the Right shoulder sts, then the Right shoulder is worked.

Left front, Right front and Sleeves
After cast-on for each piece, work 3 (3, 3, 5, 5, 5) rows of puff ribbing before working the Dec row (RS). Continue in pattern as written.

Cowl Neck Tunic, pages 58-61

Updated: 09Mar2012

Page 61, replace Oval Cable with the following:

Oval Cable (over 14 sts)
Set-up row 1 (RS) P4, k6, p4.
Set-up row 2 K4, p6, k4.
Note These two set-up rows are only worked once at the beginning of the back and of the front.

Rows 1 and 5 (RS) P4, 6-st RC, p4.
Rows 2, 4 and 6 K4, p6, k4.
Row 3 P4, k6, p4.
Row 7 P3, 3-st RPC, k2, 3-st LPC, p3.
Row 8 K3, [p2, k1] twice, p2, k3.
Row 9 P2, 3-st RPC, p1, k2, p1, 3-st LPC, p2.
Rows 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 [K2, p2] 3 times, k2.
Rows 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 [P2, k2] 3 times, p2.
Row 21 P2, 3-st LPC, p1, k2, p1, 3-st RPC, p2.
Row 22 K3, [p2, k1] twice, p2, k3.
Row 23 P3, 3-st LPC, k2, 3-st RPC, p3.
Row 24 K4, p6, k4.
Rep rows 1-24 for pat.

Modular Vest, page 80

Updated 02Jun2023

Corrections are underlined.

Section 2
With RS facing, rotate piece to work along the ends of rows. Pick up and k16 (17, 18) sts evenly across the left side of Section 1.

Section 4
With RS facing, rotate piece to work along ends of rows of just finished section and place held sts of previous section onto a needle. Pick up and k15 (16, 17) sts evenly across side of just finished section; k14 (15, 16), k2tog from needle—30 (32, 34) sts.
Work same as Section 1, starting with row 1.

Sideways Stripes Vest, pages 90-93

Updated 27Aug2013

Corrections are underlined.

After the first inc row on both the right back/front and left back/front the text should read as follows:

Working 23 (23, 31, 31, 41, 41) more rows in garter stripe pat, rep inc row every RS row twice more—83 (87, 91, 95, 99, 103) sts.

Felted Cloche, pages 114-117

Updated 11Jan2012

Corrections are underlined.

Page 116

Gauge (before felting)16 sts and 28 rnds = 4″/10cm over pat st, using size 10 (6mm) needle. TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE.