ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1933027869

Cable–and–Leaf Tote, page 60


 Please add:
Size 7 (4.5mm) double-pointed needles

Delete “P 1 row.” at end of first paragraph, just before Row 1.

Sweet Socks, page 106-108

Updated 29Mar2010

Correction is underlined.

1. Rib Lace Socks, pg 106

Cont even in rib until piece measures 5½”/14cm from beg, ending last rnd at 1 st before marker.


Turn cuff inside out to change direction of work. Bring yarn to front of work, sl next st on RH needle to LH needle, leave marker in place, bring yarn to back of work (1 st wrapped), sl wrapped st back to RH needle, k next 31 sts, distribute rem 32 sts over 2 needles for instep to be worked later – 32 sts rem for heel flap.
Row 1 (WS) Sl 1, p31. (On this row only, p tog last st with the wrap.)
Row 2 *Sl 1, k1; rep from * to end.Rep rows 1 and 2 until there are 32 rows in heel flap, end with Row 2.
Continue in pattern as written.

2. Cable-and-Lace Socks, pg 108

Dec row P2tog, p1, *[k2tog] twice, p2, k2, p2; rep from * to end – 66 sts. Change to smaller dpns. Pm and join.

Next rnd P2tog, [k2, p2] 15 times, k2, p2tog – 64 sts. Work in k2, p2 rib as established until piece measures 5½ “/14cm.
Continue in pattern as written.