ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-85-5

Vertebrae Stitch Afghan, page 58

Updated: 29Jul2019 

Corrections are underlined.

20 sts and 24 rnds to 4″/10cm over St st using size 7 (4.5mm) needles.

Gauntlet Mitts, page 104

Updated: 09Sept2015 

The vertical line on the chart is missing after the first stitch.

The instructions for the thumb is missing:

Slip the 13 sts from holder to dpn. Join yarn and pick up and k 5 sts across edge of mitt, then k 13 thumb sts—18 sts. Divide sts evenly over 3 needles (6 sts per needle). Join and work in St st to ½”/1.5cm less than desired thumb length.
Next rnd [K7, k2tog] twice—16 sts. Work in k2, p2 rib for 2 rnds. Bind off in rib.

Leather-Trimmed Tote, page 120

Updated: 12Mar2015 

Correction is underlined.

• Five 1 ¾oz/50g skeins (each approx 109yd/100m) Noro Kureyon (wool) in #40 (A)
• One 100yd/100m spool of 2mm leather lacing (B)

Floral Painted Scarf, page 124

Updated: 08Feb2016 

Deletions are struck through.

Beg chart 3
Cont to work chart 3 in this way until row 20 is complete. Rep rows 1-20 four times more, adding 1 additional 8-st rep each time the 20 rows are complete. Then rep rows 1-16 once more.

Beg chart 6
Cont to work chart 6 in this way until row 20 is complete. Rep rows 1-20 three times more, adding 1 additional 8-st rep each time the 20 rows are complete. Then rep rows 1-17.

Vertebrae Stitch Afghan, page 132

Updated: 28Jan2019 

Corrections are underlined.

ssk and p Ssk, return resulting st to LH needle, pass 2nd st on LH needle over 1st st and sl st back to RH needle—2 sts dec’d.

Begin Chart and Stripe Pattern
Next row (WS) [P1, k1] twice, [p4, work 25-st rep of row 2] 6 times, p4, [k1, p1] twice.

Floral Pointed Scarf, pages 138-139

Updated: 12Mar2015 

Click here to download corrected charts 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. [PDF 55KB]