ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-46-6

#1 Tickled Pink, page 1

Updated: 02Jul2018 

Page 1 should be replaced with the attached PDF and the following text: Click here to download a corrected pattern. [PDF 887KB]

#3 Criss-Cross Coverlet, pages 12-13

Updated: 12Dec2013 

A corrected chart is available. [PDF 16KB]

#7 Night Houses, pages 23-26

Updated: 13Sep2013

Corrections are underlined.

1. Double Seed Stitch Pattern
Rows 1 and 2 K3, *p2, k2; rep from * to last 5 sts, p2, k3.
Rows 3 and 4 P3, *k2, p2; rep from * to last 5 sts, k2, p3.

2. Strip 6
With A, cast on 32 sts. Work in seed st until piece measures 3”. Work in St st until piece measures 9”. Work in seed st until piece measures 15”.
With B, k 1 row. pm in last worked st for beg of house block. Cont in St st until piece measures 18½”.

Continue as written.

#9 Geometry Class, pages 30-32

Updated: 07Oct2013

Corrections are underlined.

Triangle 1 AND Triangle 4

Row 3 Sl 1, knit to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows 8 times more—5 sts.
Next row Sl 1, S2KP, k1—3 sts.
Next row Sl 1, k to end.
Next row S2KP. Fasten off.

#13 Safari Blanket, pages 40-43

Updated: 29Jul2019 

Corrections are underlined.

1. Insert before BEG CHART B
Rep last 2 rows until blanket measures 25½”/70cm from beg.

2. A correction to rows 1-54 of chart A is available. [PDF 29KB]

3. Add embroidery instructions to FINISHING
With B, embroider nostrils using French knots and eyes using satin stitch, as shown in photo.

#17 Modern Art, page 55

Updated: 12Mar2015

Correction is underlined.

Row 225 With D, k8; with B, p to last 20 sts; with C, k12; with B, k8.

#18 Finely Woven, page 58

Updated: 27Mar2013

Correction is underlined.


Row 3 [K1, p1] 4 times, turn.

#19 Baby Beluga, page 60

Updated: 08Feb2016

Correction is underlined.

When changing colors, twist yarns on WS to prevent holes. Use a separate ball of yarn for each large block of color.

#20 Ruby Red, pages 63-65

Updated: 27May2013

The ssk symbol on row 20 of the chart should be eliminated.

#22 All About Aran, page 68

Updated: 27Feb2015

Correction is underlined.

Row 8 P2, k6, p2, *p2, k2, p4, k2, p4, k6, p2; rep from * to end.
Row 12 P2, k6, p2, *p3, T3F, T3B, p5, k6, p2; rep from * to end.

#27 Googly-Eyed Gator, pages 82-83

Updated: 16Jun2017

Charts A and B

Omit numbers along left side of each chart. See Note 3 on how to work charts.

#29 Lacy Chevron Blanket, page 88

Updated: o2Jun2023

Corrections are underlined.

1. Pattern Stitch
Row 1 (RS) K5, yo, *k6, SKP, k2tog, k6, yo, k2, yo; rep from * to last 21 sts, k6 SKP, k2tog, k6, yo,

2. Blanket
*Work rows 1-12 of pat st 3 times; rep from * in color sequence as foll: A, B, C, D, A, B, C. With D, work rows 1-12 of pat st twice, then rep rows 1—11 once.

#30 Pumpkin Patch, page 90

Updated: 21Jun2013

Garter Rib Pattern
Rows 1 and 3 (RS) With MC, k4, *p1, k5; rep from * to last 5 sts, p1, k4.
Rows 2 and 4 With MC, *k3, p1, k1, p1; rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
Row 5 With CC, k4, *p1, k5; rep from * to last 5 sts, p1, k4.
Row 6 With CC, *k3, p1, k1, p1; rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
Rep rows 1–6 for garter rib pat.

#33 Making Waves, page 96

Updated: 02Jul2018

Clarifications are underlined.

Lace Wave Pattern
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 P3, *yo, k4, k2tog*, p2, [k1tbl] twice, p2; rep from * to * once, p3.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8 K3, p6, k2, [p1tbl] twice, k2, p6, k3.
Rows 9, 11, 13, 15 P3, *ssk, k4, yo*, p2, [k1tbl] twice, p2; rep from * to * once, p3.

#37 Good Vibrations, page 106

Updated: 15Jan2020

Correction is underlined.

Cont in garter st stripe pat in colors as foll: 8 stripes in D and C, 8 stripes in E and B, 8 stripes in F and C, 4 stripes with A and B.

#41 Night Owl, pages 114-117

Updated: 06Jan2014

Correction is underlined.

With MC, cast on 142 sts. Work 9 rows in garter stitch, end with a WS row.
Keeping first and last 6 sts of every row in garter stitch for border, work basketweave pat for 22 rows.

#43 Counting Sheep, page 121

Updated: 08Jan2106 

1. Correction is underlined.

Next (dec) rnd [Knit to 1 st before marked st, SK2P] 4 times.

2. The chart shows 4 extra stitches. Do the increases and decreases as drawn beginning with 19 stitches and ending with 21 stitches.

3. Download corrected chart #3 [PDF 87KB]

#49 Bundled Up, page 136

Updated: 27Feb2015

Correction is underlined.

Drop Stitch Pattern
Row 6 P2, *drop next st from LH needle, insert tip of RH needle in st 5 rows below and knit, catching the 4 loose strands behind the new st, p2; rep from * to end.

#51 Diamonds and Purls, page 140

Updated 08Apr2018

Correction is underlined.

Row 1 (RS) With A, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog—1 st dec’d.

#52 Little Star, page 143

Updated: 04Aug2013

1) The changes from the published version begin on page 14.
2) The M6 inc is replaced in each use by (k1, p1) 3 times into yo. Please note addition of a single yo on rnd before 6-st and 2- st incs.
3) Semicolons (;) are used to separate the leaves within the 4 pattern repeats beg with rnd 14.

Replace entire pattern with the following:

Cast on 6 sts evenly over 3 dpn. Join, taking care not to twist sts, and place marker (pm) on first st for beg of rnds. Move marker up as knitting progresses. Change to circular needle when there are too many sts to work on dpns.
Rnd 1 [Kfb] 6 times – 12 sts.
Rnd 2 [K3, pm] 3 times, k3 – 3 sts in 4 marked sections. Slip markers every rnd.
Rnd 3 [K1, yo, k1, yo, k1] 4 times – 5 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 4 Knit.
Rnd 5 [K1, p1, yo, k1, yo, p1, k1] 4 times – 7 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 6 and all even rnds K the knits and yos, p the purls, unless otherwise instructed.
Rnd 7 [K1, p2, yo, k1, yo, p2, k1] 4 times – 9 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 9 [K1, p2, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, p2, k1] 4 times -11 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 11 [K1, p2, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p2, k1] 4 times  – 13 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 13 [K1, p2, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, p2, k1] 4 times – 15 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 14 [K1, p2, k9, p2, k1; yo] 4 times – 16 sts in each marked sections.
Rnd 15 [K1, p2, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, p2, k1; (k1, p1) 3 times into yo] 4 times – 21 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 17 [K1, p2, skp, k5, k2tog, p2, k1; (k1, yo, k1, yo, k1) twice] 4 times – 23 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 19 [K1, p2, skp, k3, k2tog, p2, k1; (k1, p1, yo, k1, yo, p1, k1) twice] 4 times – 25 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 21 [K1, p2, skp, k1, k2tog, p2, k1; (k1, p2, yo, k1, yo, p2, k1) twice] 4 times – 27 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 23 [K1, p2, S2KP, p2, k1; (k1, p2, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, p2, k1) twice] 4 times – 29 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 25 [Skp, p3, k2tog; (k1, p2, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p2, k1) twice] 4 times – 31 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 27 [Skp, p1, k2tog; (k1, p2, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, p2, k1) twice] 4 times – 33 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 28 [K1, p1, k1; k1, p2, k9, p2, k1; yo; k1, p2, k9, p2, k1 4 times – 34 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 29 [S2KP; k1, p2, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, p2, k1; ( k1, p1) 3 times into yo; k1, p2, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, p2, k1] 4 times – 37 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 30 [P1; k1, p2, k9, p2, k1; k3; k3; k1, p2, k9, p2, k1] 4 times – 37 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 32 and all even rnds through end K the knits and the yos in leaf motifs, p the purls and yos between leaf motifs.
Rnd 31 [P1, yo; k1, p2, skp, k5, k2tog, p2, k1; (k1, yo, k1, yo, k1) twice; k1, p2, skp, k5, k2tog, p2, k1; yo] 4 times  – 39 sts in  each marked section.
Rnd 33 [P2, yo; k1, p2, skp, k3, k2tog, p2, k1; (k1, p1, yo, k1, yo, p1, k1) twice; k1, p2, skp, k3, k2tog, p2, k1; yo, p1 ] 4 times – 41 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 35 [ P3, yo; k1, p2, skp, k1, k2tog, p2, k1; (k1, p2, yo, k1, yo, p2, k1) twice; k1, p2, skp, k1, k2tog, p2, k1; yo, p2 ] 4 times – 43 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 37 [P4, yo; k1, p2, S2KP, p2, k1; (k1, p2, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, p2, k1) twice, k1, p2, S2KP, p2, k1; yo, p3] 4 times – 45 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 39 [P5, yo; skp, p3, k2tog; (k1, p2, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, p2, k1)  twice; skp, p3, k2tog; yo, p4] 4 times – 47 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 41 [P6, yo; skp, p1, k2tog; (k1, p2, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, p2, k1) twice, skp, p1, k2tog; yo, p5] 4 times – 49 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 43 [P7, yo; S2KP; (k1, p2, skp, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, p2, k1) twice, S2KP; yo, p6] 4 times – 47 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 44 [P8; k1; k1, p2, k9, p2, k1; yo; k1, p2, k9, p2, k1; k1, p7] 4 times – 48 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 45 [P8, yo; k2tog, p2, skp, k5, k2tog, p2, k1; yo, p2 into yo, yo; k1, p2, skp, k5, k2tog, p2, k2tog; yo, p7] 4 times –  47 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 47 [P9, yo; k1, p2, skp, k3, k2tog, p2, k1; yo, p1; yo, p2, yo; p1, yo; k1, p2, skp, k3, k2tog, p2, k1; yo, p8 ] 4 times –  49 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 49 [P10, yo; k1, p2, skp, k1, k2tog, p2, k1; yo, p3; yo, p2, yo; p3, yo; k1, p2, skp, k1, k2tog, p2, k1; yo, p9] 4 times – 51 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 51 [P11, yo; k1, p2, S2KP, p2, k1; yo, p5; yo, p2, yo; p5, yo; k1, p2, S2KP, p2, k1; yo, p10] 4 times- 53  sts in each marked section.
Rnd 53 [P12, yo; skp, p3, k2tog; yo, p7; yo, p2, yo; p7, yo; skp, p3, k2tog; yo, p11 ] 4 times – 55 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 55 [P13, yo; skp, p1, k2tog;  yo, p9; yo, p2, yo; p9, yo; skp, p1, k2tog; yo, p12 ] 4 times – 57 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 57 [P14, yo; S2KP; yo, p11; yo, p2, yo; p11, yo; S2KP; yo, p13] 4 times – 59 sts.
Rnd 59 [P29; yo, p2, yo; p28] 4 times – 61 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 60 [P31, place marker, p30] 4 times, AT SAME TIME, remove 3 original markers, leave marker for beg of rnd.
Rnd 61 [P to 1 st before marker, yo, p1, slip marker, p1, yo]  4 times – 63 sts in each marked section.
Rnd 62 Purl.
Rep last 2 rnds 10 times more – 83 sts in each marked section.
Next rnd P to marker, [remove marker, bind off to next marker] 3 times, remove marker, p to end – 83 sts. Work back and forth in rev St st rows until 6″/15 above bind-off. Bind off.

#55 Choo Choo, pages 152-157

Updated: 21May2013

Corrections are underlined.

With B, cast on 128 sts using provisional cast on method.

#57 My Little Robot, pages 160-163

Updated: 15Jul2013

1. 3 balls of #812 (turquoise B) are needed to complete this blanket.

2. The final stitch count of the picked up stitches for side panel 5 is 90 sts.

#59 Shell Game, pages 167-168

Updated: 29Apr2018

Corrections are underlined.

Remove double stars before Next row (RS) instructions. You will not repeat from here in the pattern.

**Next row (RS) With MC, k5; with A, k10; work first row of chart B; with A, k10; work appropriate row of stripe pat over next 78 sts; with A, k10; work first row of chart B; with A, k10; with MC, k5.
Cont as established to end of chart B, end with a WS row.
Next row (RS) With MC, k5; with A, k25; work stripe pat over next 78 sts; with A, k25; with MC, k5.
Next row (WS) With MC, k5; with A, p25; work stripe pat over next 78 sts; with A, p25; with MC, k5.
Rep last 2 rows 6 times more.
Rep from ** twice more, working only 10 rows after Chart B during final rep instead of 14 rows.
Next row (RS) With MC, k5; with A, p128; with MC, k5.
Next row With MC, k5; with A, p128; with MC, k5.
Rep last 2 rows 6 times more, end with a WS row.

Rep last 2 rows twice more, end with a WS row. Break A.