ISBN-13: 978-1-942021-44-5

#15 Color-Blocked Teddy Bear, pages 42-45

Updated: 11Apr2021

Corrections are underlined.

Stitch Glossary
2-st Inc Row Work to 1 st before marker, Inc 1 st, sm, Inc 1 st, work to end.

Right Arm
With C, cast on 2 sts, pm; with A, cast on 2 sts.
Cont in St st, matching colors, as follows:
Work 2 rows even in St st.
Next row (RS) Inc 1 st in each st across–8 sts.
Next row (WS) Work 2-st Inc Row.
Next row (RS) Work 4-st Inc Row.
Rep these 2 rows twice more–26 sts.
Purl 1 row.
Next row (RS) Work 2-st Inc Row.
Purl 1 row.
Rep last 2 rows twice more–32 sts.
Next row (RS) Inc 1 st in first st, work rest of row as 2-st Dec Row and inc 1 st in last st–32 sts.
Purl 1 row.
Rep these 2 rows 4 times more–32 sts.
Work 6 rows even.
Work 2-st Inc Row, then work 3 rows even.
Rep these 4 rows once–36 sts.
Next row (RS) K2tog, work rest of row as 2-st Inc Row and k2tog at end of row.
Work 3 rows even.
Rep these 4 rows 5 times more–36 sts.
Work 1 row even.
Next 7 rows Work 4-st Dec Row.
Bind off rem 8 sts.

#17 Meow-Meow Pillow, page 49

Updated: 15Oct2017 

Updated chart for Meow Meow Pillow is available for download. [PDF 381KB]

#18 Fishing Game, page 50

Updated: 16Jun2017

Replace Fish (Make 5), Sides (Make 2) with the following:

With A, cast on 3 sts.
Row 1 (RS) Knit.
Inc row 2 K1, M1, k to last st, M1, k1—2 sts inc’d.
Rows 3 and 4 With B, knit
Cont in garter st (k every row) and stripe pat (2 rows A, 2 rows B), rep last 4 rows 4 times more—13 sts.
Work 8 rows even in stripe pat.
Row 29 (RS) With A, knit.
Dec row 30 With A, k1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—2 sts dec’d.
Rows 31 and 32 With B, knit.
Row 33 (RS) With A, knit.
Dec row 34 With A, k1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—2 sts dec’d.
Cont in stripe pat, rep last 2 rows 3 times more—3 sts.
Row 41 With B, k2tog, k1, pass k2tog over k1. Fasten off rem st.
With C, embroider a French knot on each fish side, using photo for placement.
Glue 1 magnet to each of 5 fish sides. When glue is dry, sew 2 fish sides tog.

#22 Three Little Monkeys, page 60

Updated: 29Aug2017

Replace instructions for HEAD with the following:

With C and straight needles, cast on 30 sts. Work in St st in rows as foll:
Beg with WS, purl 1 row.
Next row (RS) K14, M1, pm, k2, pm M1, k14—2 sts inc’d.
Purl 1 row.
Next row (RS) K to marker, M1, sm, k2, sm, M1, k to end—2 sts inc’d.
Purl 1 row.
Rep last 2 rows 5 times more—42 sts.

Attach ears as foll:
Next row (RS) K6, [k 1 st from ear holder tog with next st on needle] 12 times, k2, M1, sm, k2, sm, M1, k2, [k 1 st from ear holder tog with next st on needle] 12 times, k6—44 sts.
Purl 1 row.
Cont in St st, inc 1 st at each side of center 2 sts every other row 6 times more, end with WS row—56 sts. Remove markers.
Divide sts evenly over 4 dpn, join, pm to mark beg of rnd, and work in rnds as foll:
Knit 10 rnds.

Continue with Nose as written.

#26 En-Pointe Pauline, pages 72-74

Updated: 08Apr2018

After completing the arms, attach the legs to the bottom of the body using your desired seaming method. The seams will be hidden by the skirt.

#27 Some Bunny to Love, page 75

Updated: 16Jun2017

Correction is underlined.

Row 8 [K7, kfb, k6] 4 times—60 sts.

#29 Pinkie Pig, page 83

Updated: 29Aug2017

Difficulty is Level 4: Experienced.

Work Snout as written through round 13, cut yarn, then replace pattern with the following: Place first 6 sts on scrap yarn to hold for neck, next 20 sts on Dpn #5, next 9 sts on Dpn #3, next 8 sts on Dpn #1 for crown of head, next 9 sts on Dpn #2, next 20 sts on Dpn #4, and rem 6 sts on scrap yarn with first 6 sts for neck.

Note For next section, work sts from Dpn #2 and #3 onto Dpn #1.
Row 1 (RS) Dpn #1: k to end, k1 from next dpn, turn.
Cont in this manner, knitting 1 additional st each time from Dpn #2 or #3, until all sts from Dpn #1, #2, and #3 are worked and on Dpn #1.
Next row (RS) Dpn #1: k to last st, k2tog (last st on Dpn #1 and first st on next dpn), turn. Rep last row until 10 sts each rem on Dpn #4 and #5—46 sts.

Dec row (RS) Dpn #1: k10, k2tog tbl, pm, k2, pm, k2tog, k9, k2tog (last st on Dpn #1 and first st on Dpn #4), turn.
Next dec row (WS) Dpn #1: k9, k2tog tbl, sm, k2, sm, k2tog, k8, k2tog (last st on Dpn #1 and first st on Dpn #5), turn.
Dec row (RS) Dpn #1: k to 2 sts before marker, k2tog tbl, sm, k2, sm, k2tog, k to last st on Dpn #1, k2tog (last st on Dpn #1 and first st on Dpn #4), turn—3 sts dec’d.
Next dec row (WS) Dpn #1: k to last st, k2tog (last st on Dpn #1 and first st on Dpn #5), turn—1 st dec’d.
Rep last 2 rows until 12 sts total rem, k 2 rem sts on Dpn #5 onto Dpn #1. Remove markers.
Work in the rnd as foll:
Next rnd (RS) K6, pm for beg of rnd, k6, k12 neck sts from scrap yarn, k6 to beg of rnd marker—24 sts. Divide sts evenly over 4 dpn.
Purl 1 rnd.

Rnd 1 [K4, M1] twice, k3, M1, k2, M1, K3, [M1, k4] twice—30 sts.
Rnds 2 and 4 Purl.
Rnd 3 K4, pm, M1, k6, M1, pm, k4, M1, pm, k2, pm, M1, k4, pm, M1, k6, M1, pm, k4—36 sts.
Inc rnd 5 K to marker, sm, M1, k to marker, M1, sm, k to marker, M1, sm, k2, sm, M1, k to marker, sm, M1, k to marker, M1, sm, k to end—6 sts inc’d.
Rnd 6 Purl.
Rnds 7—10 Rep rnds 5 and 6 twice more, removing markers on rnd 10—4 sts.
Inc rnd 11 K4, M1, k14, M1, k18, M1, k14, M1, k4—58 sts.
Rnd 12 Purl.
Rnd 13 K18, place last 14 sts just worked on scrap yarn for arm, k36, place last 14 sts just worked on scrap yarn for arm, k4—30 sts.
Rnd 14 P4, pm, p2, pm, p18, pm, p2, pm, p4.
Inc rnd 15 K to marker, M1, sm, k2, sm, M1, k to marker, M1, sm, k2, sm, M1, k to end—4 sts inc’d.
Rnd 16 Purl.
Cont in garter st, rep inc rnd 15 every other rnd 3 times more, then every 4th rnd twice—54 sts.
Purl 1 rnd.
Cont working rows of garter st (k every row) to create opening at center back for stuffing, AT THE SAME TIME, rep inc row 15 every 4th row 6 times and then every other row 3 times—90 sts.
Knit 1 row, removing markers.
Next row (RS) K33, M1, k24, M1, k33—92 sts.
Knit 1 row.

Keeping opening at center back, divide sts over 3 dpn as follows: 24 back sts on Dpn #1, 44 front sts each on Dpn #2, and 24 back sts on Dpn #3.
On RS, K46 to center front. Do not turn.
Next row K6, place next 16 sts on scrap yarn for leg, turn, k12, place next 16 sts on scrap yarn for leg, turn-there are now 12 sts on Dpn #2.
Short row 1 (RS) Dpn #2: k to end, k1 from next dpn, turn.
Rep short row 1 until there are 30 sts on Dpn #2 and 15 sts each on Dpn #1 and #3.
Short row 2 (RS) Dpn #2: K1, k2tog, k to last st, k2tog (last st on Dpn #2 and first st on next dpn), turn.
Rep short row 2 until there are 12 sts on Dpn #2 and 6 sts each on Dpn #1 and #3.
Bind off.

Work remainder of pattern as written.

#36 Colorful Owl Pillow

Updated: 11Apr2021

Corrections are underlined.

WINGS (Make 2) 

Row 4 Knit.

Row 5 Bind off 11 sts, k to last 3 sts, SKP, k1.

Row 6 Knit.

A corrected chart is available for download here. [PDF 137KB]

#40 Cuddly Triceratops, page 114

Updated: 08Apr2018

Yarn quantities are as follows:

5 hanks in #849 Dark Aqua (A)
1 hank in #871 White (B)
2 hanks in #802 Green Apple (C)

#42 Twist-Stitch Hippo, pages 122—127

Updated: 08Apr2018 

1) For Underbelly only, all references to “Right” side of piece should be “Left” and vice versa.
2) “Right” and “Left” should be reversed on Underbelly diagram, with “Left Side” appearing above the word “UNDERBELLY” and “Right Side” appearing below it. Updated diagram is available here. [PDF 535KB]

Corrections are underlined.

Ears (make 2)
Row 2 (WS) 1 selv, p1, M1 p-st, p2, M1 p-st, p1, 1 selv—8 sts.

Left front leg
Row 19 1 selv, [p1, pass first st over 2nd st to bind off] 2 times, p1, p2tog, 1 selv—4 sts.

Right front leg
Rows 15, 17, and 19 1 selv, p2tog, p to last 3 sts, p2tog tbl, 1 selv—4 sts.
Row 20 1 selv, k1 tbl, pass first st over 2nd st to bind off, k2tog, pass first st over k2tog.
Fasten off.
Transfer 24 sts from holder to needle (right back leg) to work next row from WS.

Right Side of Body (page 125)
Rows 6 and 8 1 selv, p1, M1, work to last 2 sts, M1, p1, 1 selv.
Rows 7 and 9 1 selv, work to last 2 sts, M1, k1 tbl, 1 selv—49 sts.
Row 10 1 selv, p1, M1 p-st, work to end—50 sts.
Row 11 Work to end, cast on 2 sts—52 sts.
Row 12, 14, and 16 Rep row 10.
Row 13 Rep row 11.
Rows 15 and 17 Rep row 7.
Row 18 Work even.
Row 19 Rep row 7—60 sts.
Rows 20—23 Work even.
Row 24 1 selv, work to last 3 sts, p2tog, 1 selv—59 sts.
Rows 25—27 Work even.
Rows 28 and 31 Rep row 24.
Rows 29 and 30 Work even.
Row 32 Work even.
Row 33 1 selv, k1 tbl, M1, work to end—58 sts.
Row 34 1 selv, p2tog tbl, p15 tbl, p2tog, slide these first 18 sts to st holder for lower muzzle; p2, bind off 1 st, work to end—37 sts on needle.

Row 49 Selv 1, k2tog, selv 1.

#58 Dino Hatchling, pages 174-175

Updated: 29Aug2017

Work Egg as written through rnd 44. Do NOT bind off. Work as follows:

Cut a 14″/36cm length of contrasting scrap yarn.
Rnd 45 With B, k4; with scrap yarn, k40; sl scrap yarn sts to left needle; with B, k44.
Rnd 46 Knit.
Rnd 47 [K6, k2tog] 6 times—42 sts.
Rnds 48-50 Knit.
Rnd 51 [K5, k2tog] 6 times—36 sts.
Rnds 52-54 Knit.
Rnd 55 [K4, k2tog] 6 times—30 sts.
Rnds 56-57 Knit.
Rnd 58 [K3, k2tog] 6 times—24 sts.
Rnd 59 Knit.
Rnd 60 [K2, k2tog] 6 times—18 sts.
Rnd 61 Knit.
Rnd 62 [K1, k2tog] 6 times—12 sts.
Cut B, draw tail through rem sts, and pull up tightly to close.

With dpn . . . scrap yarn—80 sts.

Work as for egg through rnd 44.
Bind off all sts.

With B, cast on 48 sts and divide evenly over 4 dpn. Join, taking care to not twist sts, and pm for beg of rnd.
Work as for egg from rnd 46 to end.
Cont with Finishing as written.

Continue with Finishing as written.