ISBN-13: 978-1-936096-76-3

#1 Cable and Eyelet Shawl, page 8

Updated: 03Dec2014

The color number for Venezia Sport peacock blue is #179.

Please note that both sides of this shawl are beautiful. The pattern was written with the side photographed as the WS.

Stitch Glossary

Inc to 5 (Yo, k1, yo, k1, yo) into same st.

Chart 2
Row 1 has an extra stitch at the end of the row. This chart row should read: kfb, [k3, p2], k2, kfb, k1.
Row 2 the last stitch reading from left to right should have the p on RS, k on WS symbol.

Chart 3 the last stitch reading from left to right should have the p on RS, k on WS symbol.

#4 Mock Cable and Bell Cowl, page 16

Updated: 08Aug2014

Correction is underlined.

Bell Panel
Row 7 P2, k1tbl, [p2, M4, p2, k1tbl] twice, p2.

#6 Beads and Bobbles Necklace, page 22

Updated: 18Aug2014

Correction is underlined.

Next (faggoting) row With B, k4, * yo, k2tog, k2; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4.

#12 Wavy Ribbed Hat, page 38

Updated: 03Dec2014

Corrections are underlined.

Wavy Rib Pattern Note: should end “in rnds 7 and 14.”
Rnd 14 *K2, p2, k2, p1, drop next st and let unravel down, p1; rep from * around.

#13 Cabled Wave Scarf, page 40

Updated: 30Apr2015

This scarf was designed by Danielle Chalson.

2nd Column (corrections are underlined)

Cast on 64 sts. Knit 3 rows.
Next row (RS) P8, k to last 8 sts, p8.

Row 15 Sl 1, p7, k4, *8-st RC; rep from * to last 12 sts, k4, p8.
Row 16 Rep row 2.

3rd Column (corrections are underlined)

Row 15 Sl 1, p7, k4, *8-st LC; rep from * to last 12 sts, k4, p8.
Row 16 Rep row 2.

#15 Collared Cape, page 44

Updated: 21Sept2014

Correction is underlined.

Row 1 of the pattern stitch should read:

Row 1 (RS) K2, *[k1-b] twice, k2; rep from * to end.

#17 Lacy Leaves Snood, page 49

Updated: 03Dec2014

Correction is underlined.

2 3½oz/100g hanks

#20 Mini Cable Collar, page 58

Updated: 08Apr2018

The definition of how to work the 2-st RC and 2-st LC were omitted. Work as follows:

2-st RC K2tog leaving sts on LH needle, k first st again, sl both sts from needle.
2-st LC With RH needle behind LH needle, skip first st and k 2nd st tbl, insert RH needle into backs of both sts, k2tog tbl.

#22 Lace Kerchief, pages 63-65

Updated: 03Dec2014

Corrections are underlined.

At top of first column:

Next (inc) rows (RS) K to marker, sl marker, yo, knit to marker, yo, sl marker, k to end—2 sts inc’d.

And again towards the bottom of the same column:
Next (inc) rows (RS) K to marker, sl marker, yo, knit to marker, yo, sl marker, k to end—2 sts inc’d.

In 2nd column:
Rep dec row every 8th row 4 times more—36 sts.

#24 Cabled Headband, pages 69-74

Updated: 03Dec2014 

Page 72: Download a corrected Chart 2. [PDF 271KB]

Page 74: Download a corrected Chart 3 and Stitch Key. [PDF 242KB]

#25 Lace and Cable Shawl, pages 75-77

Updated: 21Sept2014

3 hanks of Venezia Worsted are needed for this project.

#34 Diamond Lattice Scarf, pages 101 and 102

Updated: 05May2015

Stitch Glossary — page 101

3-st LC should read: Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, k1, k2 from cn.

Chart 1 on page 102

Row 8: reading from left to right, the 15th st from the left should be “–” (knit on WS)

#36 Cable Muff Mittens, pages 101-109

Updated: 08Jun2019 

Corrections are underlined.

Next (set-up) rnd K9 (15), pm, M1, k1, M1, pm, k6 (8), work next chart row, k to end or rnd–2 sts inc’d.

Next (set-up) rnd K13 (17), pm, k1, ssk, work 20 (28) sts in pat as established, k2tog, k1, pm, k to end of rnd–48 (64) sts.

Corrections have been made to rnds 14 and 15 of Chart 2. Revised Chart 2 can be downloaded here. [PDF 240KB]

#42 Slouchy Seed Stitch Hat, page 122

Updated: 06Aug2014

Correction is underlined.

20 sts and 36 rnds over seed st using size 7 (4.5mm) needle.

#43 Cable and Rib Mitts, page 126

Updated: 28Jan2019

Correction is underlined.

Work as written until you have 17 sts between gusset markers.
Next rnd Work to 1st marker, place 17 sts on scrap yarn for thumb, cast on 3 sts, work to end of rnd—62 sts.
Cont to work as written.

#45 Mock Cable Scarf, page 130

Updated: 04May2021

Correction is underlined.

Row 2 Sl 1 wyif, work in rib to 2 sts before marker, ssp tbl, sl marker, work in rib to next marker, sl marker, p1, yo, work in rib to 1 st before next marker, being sure to keep center st a k, yo, p1, sl marker, work in rib to next marker, sl marker, p2tog, work in rib to end.

Note that the scarf is photographed with the WS showing.

#47 Fair Isle Beret, page 134

Updated: 08Apr2018

Correction is underlined.

Second column:

With smaller needle and A, cast on 112 sts. Place marker for beg of rnd and join, being careful not to twist sts.
Next rnd With A, *k2, p2; rep from * around.

Chart 2

Work the S2KP as follows:

Slip the last 2 sts of the rep as if to k2tog, k the first st of the next rep with A, then pass the slipped stitches over—2 sts dec’d. When worked over the last rep of the rnd, remove the old beg of rnd marker to work the S2KP and then place new beg of rnd marker after the S2KP is complete.

#49 Button Cable Beret, page 142

Updated: 03Dec2014

Correction is underlined.

SHAPE CROWN — 5th line
Next (dec) rnd [P2, S2KP, work to 5 sts before marker, S2KP, p2, sl marker] 10 times—40 sts dec’d.

#50 Diamonds Shawl, page 146

Updated: 03Dec2014 

Download revised Chart 2. [PDF 267KB]

#55 Buttoned Cable Cowl, page 158

Updated: 03Dec2014

Correction is underlined.

Cable Pattern
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15 and 17 (RS)

#59 Two-Color Lace Scarf, page 168

Updated: 28Jan2019

Correction is underlined.

Row 15 With CC, k3, *sl 3 wyib, [k1, yo, k1] in same st; rep from * to last 6 sts, sl 3 wyib, k3.
Row 16 With CC, k3, *sl 3 wyif, k3; rep from * to end.