ISBN-13: 978-1936096398

His and Hers, page 22

Updated: 04Feb2014

Some decreases were inadvertently omitted from the Right front.

Right Front
When the double decreases are complete and 2 rows have been worked straight.
work as follows:
Next (dec) row (RS) K2, SKP, knit to end of row.
Rep dec row every other row 6 (7) times more, then every 4th row 2 (3) times—11 sts.

Cropped Jacket, page 34

Updated: 27Jun2014

Corrections are underlined.

The body is worked in one piece to the underarms.
Cast on 137 (145) sts. Work 3 sts in St st, work in fancy pattern stitch to the last 3 sts, work in St st to end.

After binding off for the right front, work the back as follows: Rejoin the yarn and work the next 63 (67) sts in pat as established until back measures same as right front. Bind off.

Sew shoulder seams. Set in the sleeves and sew the sleeve seams to line up with the sides of the sweater.

The chart for this pattern is incorrect. The text for the fancy pattern stitch follows:

(multiple of 4 sts plus 3)
Row 1 (RS) P1, *k1, p1; rep from * to end.
Row 2 and all WS rows K the knit sts and p the purl sts as they appear.
Row 3 *K1, p1, k2; rep from * to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Row 5 Rep row 1.
Row 7 *K3, p1; rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
Row 8 Rep row 2.
Rep rows 1—8 for fancy pat st.

Dress to the Nines, page 40

Updated: 11Nov2013

1. Corrections are underlined.

While working incs, AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 2¾ (3½)”/7 (9) cm from beg, work in seed stitch. Work even until sleeve measures 5½ (6¼) “/ 14 (16)cm from beg. Bind off.

2. Overalls

Beg with left back leg. Using Navy, cast on 29 (33) sts and work in seed st for 6 rows.
Next row Switch to St st and work straight for 3 rows.
Next (inc) row (RS) K2, inc 1, k to end of row.
Work 3 rows even.
Next row (RS) K2, inc 1, k to last 4 sts, SKP (k1, sl 1, pass sl st over to dec 1 st), k to end of row.
Cont to work the shaping on the leg in this manner as foll: Inc at beg of RS rows every other row twice, then work 1 row even and inc 2 (3) sts at beg of next RS row. When this row is complete, place sts on a spare needle. AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st at end of RS rows every 8th row 8 times more (every 8th row 7 times more, then every 6th row 4 times). Note that these decreases will not be complete before the sts are placed on hold and continue the decs as you  work the piece – when the 2nd leg is joined, you will be working the decreases on both legs.

Little Man on Campus, page 48

Updated: 01Apr2013

Corrections are underlined.

Using size 7 (4.5mm) needles and Dark Gray, cast on 48 (52) sts and work in k2, p2 rib, beg and end first row with k3. Cont straight until back measures 1¼”/3cm from cast-on edge.
Next row Switch to size 9 (5.5mm) needles and Coral, and work in St st, decreasing 8 (7) sts evenly over the course of the row—40 (45) sts.

Using size 7 (4.5mm) needles and Dark Gray, cast on 24 (26) sts and work in k2, p2 rib, beg and end first row with k3. Cont straight until back measures 1 1/4″/3cm from cast-on edge.
Next row Switch to size 9 (5.5mm) needles and Coral, and work in St st, decreasing 5 (4) sts evenly over the course of the row—19 (22) sts.  Cont straight until back measures 5½ (6¼)”/14 (16)cm from cast-on edge, ending with a RS row, then shape armhole as follows.
Next row With WS facing, bind off 3 sts and work to end. Cont straight until right front measures 8¼ (9½)”/21 (24)cm from cast-on edge, ending with a WS row, then shape neck as follows:
Next row With RS facing, bind off 4 (6) sts, work to end. Work 1 row straight.
Next row K1, k3tog, work to end. Work 1 row straight.
*Next row K1, k2tog, work to end. Work 1 row straight *. Rep from * to * once more—8 (9) sts.

Just Like Grandpa, page 54

Updated: 27Jan2014

Corrections are underlined.

Using size 2 (2.75mm) needles, cast on 35 (39) sts and work in k2, p2 rib as foll:
Row 1 (RS) K3, *p2, k2; rep from * to end.
Row 2 K the knit sts and p the purl sts. Rep row 2 until piece measures ¾”/2cm from beg.
Next row Switch to size 3 (3.25mm) needles and fancy pat st, decreasing 4 (5) times evenly over the course of the row—31 (34) sts. Cont in pat st until right front measures 4 ¼ (4 ¾)”/11 (12)cm from cast-on edge. Beg with next RS row, shape neck as follows: With RS facing, k1, k2tog, work to end; rep this dec every 2 rows 5 (6) times more, then every 4 rows 6 (7) times, and, AT THE SAME TIME, shape armhole by binding off 6 sts at beg of next WS row. You will have 13 (14) sts remaining after final dec.
Cont as written.

With smaller needles, cast on 38 (44) sts. Work in k2, p 2 rib until piece measures ¾”/2cm from beg. Change to larger needles. Work in fancy pat st dec 2 sts evenly across first row. Then, inc 1 st each side every 6th (0) row 4 (0) times, then every 8th (6th) row 3 (7) times more—50 (56) sts. Work even in fancy st pat until piece measures 5½ (6¼)”/14 (16)cm from beg. Bind off.

Sew up the shoulder seams. Insert a sleeve into each armhole and sew the side and sleeve seams. Using size 2 (2.75mm) needles, beg at lower right front with RS facing, pick up and knit 164 (172) sts up the right front, around the neck, and down the left front.
Row 1 (WS) P3, *k2, p2; rep from *, end k2, p3.
Next row K the knit sts and p the purl sts.
Next (buttonhole) row Work 3 sts in rib pat, yo, k2tog, [work 14 (16) sts in rib, yo, k2tog] twice, work in rib to end. Cont in rib as established for 4 rows more. Bind off loosely in rib. Sew the buttons to the right front, opposite the buttonholes.

Hooded Car Coat, page 60

Updated: 13Sep2013

Correction is underlined.

Left Front
Work same as for right front reversing the shaping by beginning the RS rows with p2 and ending them with k4.
Work the buttonholes as foll: On RS row, work to the last 4 sts, yo, k2tog, k2. Place the 4 buttonholes where indicated in pattern.
Bind off for armholes at beg of RS rows. Bind off for neck at beg of WS rows.